We truly believe and know that our philosophy can change many businesses.

There are many attractive businesses that provide quality to the world if they are known.
For example,  dessert shops with delicious doughnuts, florists with lovely flower designs, and educational facilities that provide high-quality education for children; many many businesses that don’t use marketing, limits their impressions and conversions.

We can combine our marketing skills and methods with your business to innovate your business.


Branding is the brake and marketing is the throttle.

Branding protect their own brands, from the outside.
Maximize value by keeping images and word-of-mouth unchanged.
The purpose of marketing is to expand sales and gain fans, we will not stop to keep moving forward.

Marketing and branding are specious.
It’s not either the brake or the throttle. We need both.

For example, if you sell cheaply, there will be more customers, but the quality of customers will decline and the brand of the store will look cheap. 
If you do a good job in brand promotion, you can clarify “what not to do”.

What kind of store do you want and what value do you want to offer?

Hone the overwhelming “value” that continues to be provided to customers without the influence of trends.  On this basis, we must discuss “Brand Equity” with clients.


Onsite and Digital marketing

As long as you pay once, the marketer will find a way, sales will increase at will.
No, marketing doesn’t work that way. The marketing we offer is available in 2 ways.

In any case, your understanding and cooperation are essential and we need to work together.

Quickly Effective Marketing

・Optimal posting times, number of hashtags, and core factors for social networking sites in general
・Keywords commonly used by the business in general
・Introduction and suggestions of marketing techniques commonly used by the business in general

*Most of the information is found on the Internet.

Slow but Effective Marketing

・How to Maximize Your Store’s Profits
・How to continue to build your store’s fan base
・Knowing which demographic to approach most effectively with your store’s appeal the most effective way to approach your store’s appeal

*Unique information not available on the Internet
core aspects of marketing

Market Analysis

It is no exaggeration to say that the most important is the market analysis. 

We obtain all available data on your market, your business, and your current situation through surveys and data provided.


A top marketer isn’t a person who can suggest the best solution to any marketing situation (because thats impossible). 

The best is someone who can think of edge cutting hypotheses to innovate new ways to test marketing activities that best fit your business. 


We will suggest marketing strategies that use information obtained through research. 

If the amount of information is small, we may use research strategies to expand the survey and suggest ways to increase the amount of data that can be obtained from your business to gain unique data.

Marketing Practice

We will work together with our clients to implement the proposal. However, the actual implementation requires the cooperation of the client and understanding within the client’s company. 


We facilitate our clients’ understanding of marketing by communicating objectives and milestones, rather than merely conveying means. By doing so, your entire company will voluntarily come up with ideas and cooperate in providing data.

Transplant DNA

So far, what marketing companies have done is to just provide short-term solutions. They will teach you the best number of hashtags, best keywords, and best time to post things on the social media. However, this information can be found on Google search and ChatGPT, easily and quickly.

What clients want is to share our experience and provide them short/long term solutions. To do this, we must coach our clients so that they can ingest our philosophy and data to reuse them in their original format. 

We are new era marketing company that can transplant our DNA to clients so that our Sparkle and Innovation DNA will stay living in many businesses all over the world. We will help making the world a better place by helping businesses with marketing and branding. 


We will grow your business.

We can help you achieve the future you imagine.
We will construct an ideal relationship professional communication, telling each other the truth and become professionals to achieve goals.